
To exemplify the previous base classes, the following guide will create 3 actors; 

There are 4 ways to interact with an actor. 


This button will inherit from BP_InteractableOverlapBase so that we can control when this button is allowed to be pressed. But you are free to inherit directly from BP_InteractableBase if you just want the button to be interacted with by TraceOnly

Set the Type to OverlapInteract

Also ShowHintText to True

Add a StaticMesh component to the components window and call it ButtonMesh

Set the ButtonMesh to SM_ButtonStand

Move the proxy in front of the button mesh

Create a MID on the construction script from the ButtonMesh

Call the OnActiveRelevance delegate from the component. This fires when the actor is relevant

When this button is pressed, the switch aesthetics will remain on/off to others when it matters to them

If you want this button to do something immediately, call OnInteract. This button is fairly simple so we just want to make sure others see the relevant changes. You might perform some animations on a switch here, for example. 


We will now inherit a new actor from BP_InteractableOverlapBase and call it BP_InteractableOverlap. This will be a world actor that can be used to communicate with other interactable respondents in the Level

Open BP_InteractableOverlap and add a Billboard component. This will make it easier to see and move around in the world.

Add an event from the component OnActorOverlapped

Call ActivatorInteract


This actor will inherit from BP_InteractableRespondentBase and will be called BP_InteractableRespondentLight. This will react to the overlap or the button when we place it into the world

Open the blueprint and add a static mesh component called LightMesh

Set the LightMesh as SM_LightBulb

Add a PointLight component as a child to LightMesh

Move it up a bit on the Z-axis to be more centred to the mesh glass

Set the light color to black

Create a MID for each element on the Construction Script

Create a function called UpdateLight

Call OnRespondentInteract on the component

SelectColor from the NewColor of UpdateLight and on (A) make the colour white, and for (B) leave it black, which is "off"


This actor will inherit from BP_InteractableOverlapBase and will accept incoming clicks from the Player Controller


First, make sure BP_InteractableBase has the Clickable parameter created and constructed. Make this parameter InstanceEditable

Player Controller

Create a player controller, Call it BP_PlayerController

In its Class Defaults, enable Click Events

Create this logic on the event graph so that we can see the mouse cursor and control the actor with clicks

Game Mode

Define the new player controller in BP_ThirdPersonGameMode

Interactable (Base and Child)

Create a base clickable actor that inherits from BP_InteractableOverlapBase and call it BP_InteractableClickableBase. From the Clickable Base, create a new child called BP_InteractableClickableButton and move it into the Interactables folder

Open BP_InteractableClickableBase and call ServerClickInteract off the controller's controlled pawn with a pointer to the interact component on BeginPlay

And flag Clickable and ShowHintText to True

Open BP_InteractableClickableButton and add a static mesh with the button stand mesh

We want to make sure that we are overlapping this actor before we can allow click events, so change the Type to OverlapInteract

Create a MID on the Construction Script

Call OnActiveRelevance on the construction script and set the scalar parameter of the State value

Add the Clickable Button to the Light's Activators list, and PIE for test. You should now be able to click the clickable button when in the overlap volume, to turn on the light